Retirement Planning for Pre-Retirees

Pre-Retirees Retirement Plans | District Financial Planning


How much do you have in savings and investments? Does your employer offer a pension plan? Do you have long-term care policy ready? In your 40s and 50s, you should be thinking about how well your nest egg fund is ready for success — think through if you have the financial resources to meet your daily retirement needs, in addition to funds for travel, to be with family, and more. At District Financial Planning, Jeff will work with you to sift through the strategies and options available for a comfortable retirement. In general, we ask clients to think through the following items:

  • Retirement Needs: What does your retirement paycheck need to look like? Is your mortgage going to be paid off? Are you currently in your retirement home? Will you be spending your nest egg on travel and helping the kids? Let’s talk through the scenarios so we can start to determine if you’re “on track.”
  • Expected Retirement Age: A common mistake pre-retirees will make is assume they’ll keep working past the age of retirement (varies from age 65 to age 67 by year of birth). Sometimes, due to lay-offs, family emergencies, health, and more, you may find yourself retiring earlier than expected. Planning for this contingency may be the best course of action.
  • Portfolio Readjustment: There is no one-size-fits all technique for ensuring a comfortable investment fund. When individuals near retirement, common investment mistakes include investing in too speculative of investments or shifting investments to liquid markets. Drilling down how risky your portfolio should be will depend on your current financial situation and where it should be by the time you retire.
  • Debt: Dealing with debt prior to retirement is key to ensuring your golden years aren’t derailed from comfort. By paying debt down now, you can afford financial flexibility later in retirement. Jeff can work with you to best advice how to pay down debts.
  • Catch-up Provisions: Depending on your financial outlook, you may consider in investing more into retirement accounts to “catch-up” on missed contributions. For individuals 50 and over, adding more to your employer sponsored plans or IRAs can help you to maximize your savings.
  • Important Documents: Last, it’s crucial everyone has important documents like a trust, will, estate plan, and more prepared and filed away for safe keeping. Thinking ahead to your passing, and what your family will need to settle your estate, will alleviate the emotional and financial burden your loved ones will face down the line.

Turning 40–50 is a perfect time to start maximizing your benefits and cash reserves for your retirement. Work with Jeff to create a retirement budget, learn how to settle any major expense or debts, adjust your spending and investment strategy, and advice you on how reduce taxes upon retirement.

Ready to take the first step in creating your plan for life after work? Get in touch with one of our financial professionals today!

Let’s Get Started


*District Financial Planning and LPL Financial do not provide legal advice or services. Please consult your legal advisor regarding your specific situation.